Friday, November 15, 2013

Fancy an office romance? More than 80 per cent of British people would say yes...|【研究調查】超過80%的英國人幻想「辦公室戀情」

A staggering 80 per cent of us would prefer to unearth their perfect partner at work, a new study has revealed.

According to the 2,000 men and women polled, hunting for a new partner is easier at work because there's no awkward getting-to-know-you stage involved. But not just any colleague will do. 73 per cent of the women asked said that they would rather date a man in senior role, with 61 per cent revealing that they find a powerful male more attractive than any other sort.



  • Staggering (adj.) 驚人的;難以相信的
The soldier received no staggering wound from any of the three shots.
  • Unearth (v.) 發掘;發現  = discover
They unearthed a box buried under a tree.   他們挖出了一個埋在樹下的盒子。
  • Poll (v.) 對……進行民意測驗  = survey, vote
A majority of those polled were worried about inflation.

By contrast, the majority of men said they would rather have a fling with a junior member of the team. Unsurprisingly, more than 80 per cent of men questioned by researchers said they loved it when female colleagues arrived for work in 'sexy' outfits.

But the sexy outfits and silver foxes could prove a distraction in more ways than one with three quarters of those asked admitting that they find it hard to focus when the object of their affections is around.

Nevertheless, the majority said they would attempt to keep a budding office romance a secret - at least until they had established whether or not it was serious.


  • By contrast 相比之下
By contrast, he was much more frank.   相比之下, 他坦率得多。
  • Fling (n.) 一時的風流
They had a brief fling years ago.   他們幾年前有過一段很短暫的風流韻事。
  • Fox (n.) 【美式俚語】迷人的時髦女郎
  • Distraction (n.) 分心;注意力分散
There are too many distractions here to work properly.
  • Affection (n.) 愛慕;情愛
  • Budding (adj.) 萌芽的;開始發展的 ﹡be in bud 含苞待放中;萌芽中
Ex: The trees and hedgerows are in bud.   大樹小樹都已長出嫩芽。

And the place to cement a workplace romance? According to the poll, the answer is anywhere but the office Christmas party which was considered beyond the pale by 62 per cent of those asked.

The reasons for this, according to the survey, included the amount of alcohol consumed during the office festive bash and because eagle-eyed colleagues will be watching your progress.

Speaking about the results, a spokesman for the dating site said: 'We spend such a large proportion of our lives at work so we wanted to find out what our singles actually thought about getting together with a colleague.

'What we found is that most people have thought about someone at work at some point, and many more have acted upon it.'



  • Cement (v.) 加強;鞏固
Our object is to further cement trade relations.   我們的目標是進一步加強貿易關係。
  • Beyond the pale 越軌、不能忍受 ﹡pale (n.) 界限,範圍
His behavior is really beyond the pale!   他的行為確實越軌了!
  • Bash (n.)【非正式】熱鬧的聚會;痛快的玩樂;狂歡
  • Eagle-eyed (adj.) 眼尖的;觀察敏銳的
  • Act upon 採取行動